Friday, November 20, 2015

TKAM 7-9

Please post by 8pm and reply by 10pm. Email Mrs. Agoranos if you have any questions:)


  1. Level two question: During the scene with the fire, why do you think Atticus just stood there and watched? "...Atticus was standing with his hands in his overcoat pockets. He might have been watching a football game."(Lee 94) Even though Jem pointed out that he was too old to help, do you think that there was possibly another reason why he didn't help?

    Level three question: Put yourself in Scout's shoes when Boo Radley put the blanket around her without her knowing about it. How would you feel finding out it was the man who you were all so scared about? What would you do after that?

    1. -Aissa @bens level 3 question..

      If I were Scout I would probably be a little spooked at first, and pretty doubtful that Boo would actually come out and help me. I would certainly be more hyper vigilant around the Radley household. Maybe I would stop believing that Boo is such a terrible guy. There is no proof that he actually did anything bad, and the only experience as Scout with him is that he tried to help me NOT freeze to death. It honestly makes no sense that I would judge someone when he did something nice for me, and maybe convince the neighborhood that he isn't such a bad guy either.

  2. level 2 - Analyze why you think Uncle Jack didn't tell Atticus about why Scout beat up Francis. Yes, Scout did tell Uncle Jack not to but when he was talking to Atticus, Scout was sure he was going to tell him. So why didn't he?
    level 3 - (part 1) Imagine you were Scout and you found out Mr. Radley had put a blanket on you? How would you react? (part 2) Why do you think Mr. Radley did that?


    1. Great minds think alike! @Ben

    2. @Ashlyn' level 2 question: l think that the reason why he did not tell Atticus Scout's secret was because he was pretty upset when Scout said she hated him so he wanted to make it up to her and even if he did not know that Scout was listening he would still know.

  3. Level 2: If the tree wasn't dying, why do you think Mr. Easley filled the tree with cement?
    Level 3: Infer about some characters in TKAM. How do you think Mrs. Radley died? Who do you think left things in the tree for Jem and Scout? Who do you think carved the children? How is Miss Maudie not scarred by her house burning down? Why do you think these things?

    1. Level 2:
      i think that he knew something about the gifts being left for jem and scout and didnt want their interactions to continue.

  4. level 2: Explain why Miss. Maudie was not mournful over her house being burnt down to ashes. Was there any meaning behind it?

    level 3: Explain why you think that the author decided to have Miss Maudie's house burn down and not somebody else's. Do you think it symbolizes anything?

  5. Hi this is Hannah
    level 2: Compare snow days in Alabama to snow days in North Carolina. Do you think the kids here take snow for granted?

    level 3: Explain why you think Scout was so nauseated when she discovered Boo Radley was the one who put the blanket on her.

    reply to grace level 2: I think that Miss Caroline is a very up beat person and she can find an opportunity in everything; like having a smaller house and a huge garden. She's also very young so she knows to just live life for what it is and that whats done, is done.

    -Hannah Blankenship

    1. Jenna @ Hannah's Level 2:
      I think we value snow a little less than Jem and Scout because for us it happens every winter. We still love to get off school and usually at the first sign of snow or ice and school is canceled, like in the book.

    2. Hannah's level 2: I dont personally think I take the snow for granted because i freak out and get as excited as they did when they saw snow for the first time, I look forward to snow more than I do anything else.

    3. @Hannah level 3
      I think she was so nauseated because she has heard all of these made up stories about Boo and to her he was just a fictional character so when he actually came out it shocked her

  6. level 2: Compare and contrast Atticus and Uncle Jack as paternal figures. In what ways do they both have difficulty raising Scout?

    level 3: Judge why you think Lee had Boo Radley put the blanket around Scott. Of all people, it was the scariest person in the neighborhood. What do you think Lee was trying to prove to the audience by having such a scary guy help out a little girl?
    -Aissa Dearing

  7. Level 2: Infer what Scout means on page 87 when she says "... they came straight from the Rosetta Stone."

    Level 3: Predict how Scout and Jem will be affected by the trial, both socially and mentally.

  8. Level 2: Why does Mrs. Maudie hate the snoe?
    Level 3: How would our lives change if we expirienced the same weather the kids expirience in alabama?

  9. Level 2: Infer why Miss Maudie hates snow
    Level 3: How would you feel if you were scout seeing snow for the first time?
