Monday, November 30, 2015

TKAM Chapters 10-13

Let's make sure our questions are truly Level 2 and Level 3- really challenge your classmates. Here is a picture to remind you of helpful verbs to use.


  1. I am very impressed after reading everyone's questions (Love those Level 2 and Level 3 Questions!) on the previous entry dates. It is evident that you are all giving great thought on the characters and different themes present in To Kill A Mockingbird! I went to school with Harper Lee's nephew and know how much this story meant to her! Keep up the incredible thinking and analyzing you are doing! I look forward to continued excitement as I read your posts! Laura Parrott, Coordinator of Advanced Academics

  2. I am very impressed after reading everyone's questions (Love those Level 2 and Level 3 Questions!) on the previous entry dates. It is evident that you are all giving great thought on the characters and different themes present in To Kill A Mockingbird! I went to school with Harper Lee's nephew and know how much this story meant to her! Keep up the incredible thinking and analyzing you are doing! I look forward to continued excitement as I read your posts! Laura Parrott, Coordinator of Advanced Academics

  3. level 2:"I'd rather you shoot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird"(Lee 119). This is the first time that a mockingbird is mentioned do you think it is foreshadowing a major a event? What else could it mean.

    level 3: If you were to trade places with Jem and Scout when Mrs. Dubose was yelling at them and criticizing their dad how would you react? Would you walk away or defend your self?

    1. @ Graces Level 2: I do think its a foreshadowing event, I'm not really sure what else it could mean, I have a feeling it could act as a metaphor to one of their father's cases. I think we should talk about this in class on Wednesday.

  4. Level 2: Based on what we have seen in the movie, what does Atticus look like compared to the imagery in the book and what you pictured in your mind?
    Level 3: After reading page 119 when there is the first mention of a mocking bird, why do you think Atticus and other family members consider it a sin to kill a mockingbird?

    1. -aissa @zoe level 2...

      He is a bit more stricter looking than I expected. But he's a lawyer so I guess it makes sense that he's showed as cocky and confident looking. He looks his age, and he appears wise like I pictured. Though I thought he would give the impression of being poor, he strikes me as being someone clean and wealthy which I didn't expect.

    2. @Zoe's level 3
      It's a sin because mockingbird don't do anything thing besides sing. they don't eat peoples garden or nest in bad places, all they do is sing.

    3. @Zoë's Level 2: Before I read the book, I had seen the very beginning of the movie, and Atticus looks just like I thought he would. What's different to me is his dialect. I expect him to say "-ing" and not really "-in'" or "'em." I expected him to be a bit more proper, I guess. His voice is what I expected too


    1. Sure. But just this once. Also- are you working on this during math class?

  6. level 2- Explain why you think Atticus didn't share his legend of being a one-shot with his children. Is he just modest or concealing his past? What lessons about pride can you take from Atticus?

    level 3- Imagine if you were Jem and Scout going to an all-black church with Calpurnia. Being in a new environment with people who were considered beneath Jem and Scout, was confusing for them. Would seeing Calpurnia switch to acting "like black folk" confuse you too? Would you consider it a bad thing that she talks "like black folk" (uneducated) when she knows the correct way to talk? Why do you think people now alter their speech or personality to fit in their environment?


    1. #lessonsfromattitcus Will you add these to our list tomorrow Aissa?

    2. @Aissa's level 2 question: I think that the reason why Atticus did not tell the kids why he was know as one-shot was because he wanted to conceal his past from his kids. He also didn't want his past reputation to affect his present one as being a good lawyer.

  7. Level 2:What is your impression of uncle Jack? Do you think he is a good character or a bad one?
    Level 3: Defend Scout for fighting for her father. Would you have acted the same way if someone said those things about your father? What would you have done differently?

    1. How does Scouts relationship with her father effect the way she treats him?

  8. Level 2: Why do you think Lula was so offended by Jem and Scout attending Calpurnia's church?
    Level 2b: Why do you think Atticus was acting so differently?
    Level 3: Predict what will happen involving Aunt Alexandra's move to Maycomb. Do you think she will force Jem and Scout to dress act, or speak differently like Atticus was trying to say? Do you think she will heavily influence Atticus and his parenting? Why or why not?

    1. Response to your level 2 question: I think Lula was offended by Jem and Scout attending Calpurnia's church because I'm pretty sure segregation was still around when the events of this book happened so she wouldn't have been allowed to go to the same church as them and she is angry that they can go to whatever church they want to and she can't.

  9. Level 2: Compare Scouts view of the Robinson case to the adults in Maycomb. Does this show that children can be more compassionate because they haven't learned as many stereotypes?

    Level 3: Imagine Jems thoughts of seeing the camellia in the box. Do you think seeing the Camellia in the box made Jem regret tearing apart the bushes?

    Response to Reagan level 2: I think that she held church as a sacrid place where she can't be harmed and seeing white people just reminded her of the racism and hardships that she has to deal with.

    - Hannah

    1. Jenna @ Hannah's Level 3:
      If I were Jem I wouldn't of regretted it one bit. That lady was mean through and through. Sure she was dying and kicking a Morphine addiction, but that doesn't excuse her from acting like a know-it-all brat. Of course I'm not Jem. He probably felt resentment and a bit of remorse because of page 148 and 149 he starts off being angry about the gift "'Old hell- devil, old hell- devil!' He screamed, flinging it down. 'Why can't she leave me alone.'" But he ends up picking up the flower and keeping it, examining it as Scout goes to bed.

  10. Level two question: Why do you think Scout tagged along with Jem when he went to read to Mrs. Dubose? Scout hates her and is afraid of her, so what do you think compelled Scout to join Jem?

    Level three question: Analyze Jem and Scout's reaction when they found out about Atticus' secret talent for shooting. Was it what you predicting it to be, or was it different and why? Put yourlsef in their shoes, what would your reaction have been?

    Response to Hannah's level three question: I think that seeing the flower did make Jem regret what he did. I think this because once she died, Atticus told Jem and Scout what was wrong with her, so now Jem feels bad because he thought she was just plain out mean, when she actually had a medical condition and was taking morphine. Now when he sees the flower, it reminds him that he destroyed the flowers of a woman who had severe medical problems.

  11. Level 2: Compare Aunt Alexandra to Atticus. How do their ideologies differ?

    Level 3: Hypothesize why Scout and Jem wish to spend time Calpurnia outside of their house (Page 167)?

  12. Level 2 - Level 2 - Mrs. Dubose thinks Artticus is not a good father and the children need a mother. We have seen that he isn't as close to the children, and he isn't the "model father". Although he still has a way of teaching his children. "'I strongly advise you go down and have a talk with Mrs. Dubose," said Atticus. Come straight home afterwards.' Jem did not move. 'Go on I said.' I follow Jem out of the living room. 'Come back here,' Atticus said to me. I came back." (Lee 138) Analyze the way he teaches/directs his children. Do you think it is effective?

    Level 3 - Perdict what you think the real reasoning is behind why Aunt Alexandra came to Maycomb. Because as Scout mentions, Atticus has started acting pretty weird. "'Atticus, is all this behavin' an' stuff gonna make things different? I mean are you-?'"


  13. @aissa's level 3

    Yes I would probably be very confused to see Calpurnia acting the way she was. I would also be curious because that is not the way she acted at their house. I don't think it was bad she talked like them when she was at church because she said that was just how things worked. That's how people did things. I don't think it was bad but I still think if someone is educated that they should want to talks like they are educated. I think people alter their speech or alter anything to "fit in" to their environment. Like him Calpurnia talks educated at Scout's house because everyone there is educated and understands her. But if she talked that way at her church where only 4 people were educated people would think she was a kiss up or trying to be better than them.


  14. Level 2: Why do you think Atticus would tell them all those things about the Finch family only to say "I don't want you to remember it. Forget it."?
    Level 3: How would you react in Jem and Scout's position, with your father too old to do the things other parents do?

    1. I'm sorry for posting this so late, my internet was out and it only just came back.
