Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TKAM Chapters 22-25


  1. Level 2: Why do you think Aunt Alexandra was so shaken by Tom's death and Atticus' reaction?
    Level 3: Atticus hasn't exactly been treated nicely since the case. Infer about his reaction. Why do you think he acts like that? Do you think he takes it personally? Explain why.

    1. @Reagan's level 3: I feel like the reason why he didn't really throw a fit every time someone did something cruel to him because he was defending Tom Robinson was because he already knew how the people would react like when Mr. Ewell spat in his face.

  2. Level 2 : What do you think Atticus meant by when he said; We generally get the juries we deserve. Our stout Maycomb citizens aren't interested, in the first place. In the second place, they're afraid."Do you think Tom Robinson got the jury he deserved?

    Level 3: If this case were to have happened today would you think the outcome would have been different. Would it blow up social media? Would he have been acquitted?

    1. @Graces Level 3
      I think if this happened now it would not have been such a a big deal because cases like this happen every day. The only reason it was a big deal back then was because black people and white people weren't supposed to mix.

    2. @Grace's level 3:
      I think people would have thought more about what happened rather than what color anyone is. Tom would've had a better chance of being acquitted.

  3. Level 2: Why do you think Aunt Alexandra refuses to have a nice kid like Walter Cunningham over for dinner? What does this say about hers/society's obsession with social hierarchy?

    Level 3: "What was one Negro, more or less, among two hundred of 'em? He wasn't Tom to them, he was an escaping prisoner." (Lee 315) Why do you think Atticus isn't really as impacted as the people around him, and was able to put himself in someone else's shoes to understand their perspective?


  4. Level 2: Why do you think so many people sent Atticus food even though he lost the case?
    Level 3: Interpret what Atticus means when he says "They've done is before and they'll do it again"?

    1. Jenna @ Haley's Level 2:
      So many people sent Atticus food because he at least tried to defend Tom Robinson. Mr. Finch was seen as a hero to the black community because he did his best to help Tom Robinson. They wanted him to know they appreciated him doing that.

  5. Level two question: Analyze Scout and Jem's reaction to the outcome of the case. Now compare their reaction to the reaction of two kids their age today. How would it be different?

    Level three question: If you were Walter Cunningham and you overheard about what Scout's aunt said about you, how would that make you feel?

    Response to Haley's level two question: Even thought Atticus lost the case, people gave them food because he had the courage to stand up in front of the town and defend Tom Robinson. Again, even though he lost, he put such a good effort in to his defense that everyone admired him for it.

  6. Level 2: Infer why Boo Radley doesn't want to come out of his house, like Jem said. Is it because he wants to avoid all of the racism and hate?

    Level 3: Why do you think Alabama's punishments for rape have changed over the years? Do you think it should remain as Capitol punishment or should have been a prison sentence from the start?

    Response to Haley's level 2:
    I think people already knew that Tom would be found guilty so they pity Atticus. It's sort of like when there is a death in the family how they bring food and the death in this case is Atticus's career/reputation.

    1. @hannah's level 2:
      I think he doesn't want to deal with the judgement of society and he knows that he will be judged. He doesn't want to "catch" mob mentality.

  7. Level 2: Compare the book and the movie, is everything what you expected?

    Level 3: Do you think kids have something to teach adults about morality? Why do you think the kids are the only ones crying after the trial?

  8. level 2 - When Jem was upset about Tom Robinson's case on pages 284 & 285 analyze why Atticus said "'It's not time to worry yet,'"? This quote has been repeated many time throughout the book. Do you think it is foreshadowing something?
    level 3 - Predict what will happen to Scout. Aunt Alexandra is really trying to get Scout to become a "lady." Even Scout said on page 308 "Miss Caroline was encouraged to pursue the subject: 'Don't you want to grow up to be a lawyer?' Miss Maudie's hand touched mine and I answered mildly enough, 'Nome, just a lady.'" Do you think Scout was acting or she is really maturing?


  9. Level 2: Explain what background means to you. Do you feel as if you are judged or treated differently because of your background?
    Level 3: Evaluate Tom's decision to run. If you were in his position would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?

  10. @zoë's level 3

    I definitely think kids can teach adults morals. Sometimes adults can oversee things or over complicate them. Kids can help adults see that like when Scout "took down" that mob that was at the jail trying to hurt Atticus. I think that Lee only mentioned the kids crying because they were they only white people, besides Atticus, that really understood who was really right. Most of the adults and jurors were bias, used untrue background knowledge, or mob mentality. And the kids don't therefore they can "see" clearly.


  11. Wow! Excellent questions and attentive answers from a class of obviously very intelligent students. "To Kill a Mockingbird" is an important and difficult American classic - I am personally encouraged by the thoughtfulness that went into these questions and answers!

    "The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth." ~ Erasmus

    - Brie R.
