Friday, December 18, 2015

TKAM Chapters 26-28

Happy Blogging, and have a wonderful break!


  1. What do you think Harper Lee means when she said that the Ewells "chunked at" Helen Robinson? Why?

    Who do you think killed Bob Ewell? What was their incentive? Do you think it was the same person that was chasing Jem and Scout through the woods? Why or why not?

    Do you think Tom Robinson is actually dead, or do you think it's a myth that he died? Do you think it was a myth that he died the way he did, or some other cause? Why or why not?

    Have a great holiday, everybody!

  2. Level 2: "The Radley Place had ceased to terrify me,but it was no less gloomy, no less chilly under its great oaks, and no less uninviting"( Lee 324). Why do you think the author choose to have Scout not afraid of the Radley Place anymore? Do you think the Radley Place symbolises for anything?

    Level 3: Given the fact that the case of Tom Robinson is over and that he was shot while trying to escape who do you think you would act like the most. For example you might think you would have been most like Jem because he kept all of his feelings to storied up.

    1. @grace in reply to your level 2 question....

      I think that the Radley Place sort of represents their childhood fears, when in actuality there were so many more social injustices to be afraid of. Harper Lee chose for them to outgrow their fears about the Radley Place to sort of show that Scout is starting to open her eyes and understand the ugliness of the world.


  3. Analyze the quote "Boo Radley was the least of our fears." What do you think Scouts biggest fear is? She seems very strong and independent so what could scare her?

    Do you think Mr.Ewells death was premeditated or in the heat of the moment? Do you think his death had anything to do with the case?

    Response to Reagan level 3: I think it could very well be a myth because the town is full of gossip like with the case. But if I were Tom I would've tried to escape as well because prison isn't living.

    1. @Hannah's level 2 question: I think the reason why Scout said that Boo Radley was the least of our fears was because over the past couple of months she has had to go through some tough sights like watching a innocent man being convected and soon dying, this caused her to be forced to grow up, understand, and witness things no nine year old should.

    2. @Hannah level 2: I think her newest fear is her new knowledge and maturity, because it's kind of scary! It's different and unusual.
      Sorry it's late, we actually just got home from the DPAC. :)

  4. Jenna @ Aissa's Level 3:
    Mr. Link Deas is one of the few people in the town who isn't a complete racist. On page 261, Mr. Link Deas says to the court, "'I just want the whole lot of you to know one thing right now. That boy's worked for me eight years an' I ain't had a speck o'trouble outa him. Not a speck.'" He's the honest man who actually cares about his employees and people in general. He probably got his good morals from family or books.

  5. Level 2: Explain why Harper Lee decided to include Cecil Jacobs. Do you think he may be important later on in the story?

    Level 3: Predict how Scout and Jem will be affected by Bob Ewell's death.

    1. Reply to your level three: I think that they will be relived of stress from all the threats from him, but at the same time be slightly disturbed. Even thought Bob's death may seem like a good thing, they are still kids and still are scared of death. They've expirenced a lot of situations that are not supposed to be expirenced by children of that age, and this just adds to the pile.

  6. Level two question: How do you think Tom Robinson's death affect the view of the outcome of the case? Did it change people opinions at all?

    Level three question: Analyze Scout and Jem's fear of Boo Raldey and how it changes, then give an example of of that happening in today's society with young children.

  7. Level 2: Explain why Harper Lee talked about Hitler in the book. Was he supposed to be a metaphor?

    Level 3: Predict how the deaths of Bob Ewell and Tom Robinson will effect everyone. Be sure to include their children as well as people who aren't related to them.
    Level 3:

  8. @Aissa level 2
    I think he sued Tom because he was scared of what would happen when people found out that Mayella had hugged and kissed a black person and then Bob had beat her. He wanted to find somewhere to place the blame and Tom was the only person he could find.

  9. Level 2: How will Jem and scout be affected by Ewell's death?
    Level 3: Do you think Tom Robinson's death Effect opinions on the case?

  10. level 2 - analyze why Lee decided to end chapter 28 with "Mr. Tate found his neck and rubbed it. 'Bob Ewell's lyin' on the ground under that tree down yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He's dead, Mr. Finch.'" And how do you think this will effect the rest of the book?
    level 3 - Imagine if you were Scout. During the attack she couldn't see anything because of her costume and eventually Jem wouldn't answer her. What were her feelings during this? How do you think the will effect her the rest of her life?

    @reagan 2 -
    I think Mr. Ewell was the one following them so I don't think he killed himself. I'm not really sure who killed him because my first thought was it was Jem but I realize Jem didn't have a knife. However it seems like Mr. Link Deas would fall nicely into place in that plot because of what happened earlier with the encounters of Helen Robimson and Mr. Ewell's. I think the man that did kill Mr. Ewell, had a strong hate against him or against people like that anyway. He saw Mr. Ewell following two innocent children and decided he needed to do something.

    -Ashlyn (sorry it's late)
