Monday, February 22, 2016

MSND ACT IV Due 2/24 9pm

Shakespeare uses many new words that you've had to figure out based on context. We haven't spent a lot of time directly learning these words, so hence the purpose of today's post.

Assignment: Choose 5 words that  are new to you in the play, MSND. Then, write one sentence with each word. The sentences, can be modernized, but they need to relate to the play in some way.

*You may not use a word that a classmate as used. Sooo.. post swiftly and strategically.
*Extra credit: Write your sentences in iambic pentameter.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

MSND Post 2 Due: 2/10 by 9pm

Shakespeare frequently juxtaposes comedic and serious elements throughout MSND. Using examples, discuss why he does this and the impact it creates.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream Post 1

Task: Respond to the following prompt:

"The course of true love never did run smooth" (I,i,136), spoken by Lysander, is one of the most famous quotes from MSND. Write a reflection about this quote and how it relates to other literature or movies you've read or seen.