Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream Post 1

Task: Respond to the following prompt:

"The course of true love never did run smooth" (I,i,136), spoken by Lysander, is one of the most famous quotes from MSND. Write a reflection about this quote and how it relates to other literature or movies you've read or seen. 


  1. I personally think that Lysander is right, and while I din't know that much about love, I still have my opinions. (: I think that true love really is a rocky road, full of twists and turns. But that's what makes it true love. You stick together through it all, thick and thin, holding hands. You brave through, your partner by your side, your sole reason for going through it in the first place. Your love is put to the test.
    I see this in a lot of YA novels and trilogies, specifically Divergent and Hunger Games.

  2. I think Lysander is right, mostly because nothing in life really goes smoothly and love is not an exception. Love is full of mistakes and so is everything else. nothing goes right 100% of the time and sometimes you mess up. But messing up is human and so is love.

  3. I think Lysander is right in the sense that love doesn't always run smoothly. Nothing in life ever goes 100% the way we want it to. However it is natural for love to not run as smoothly as planned, there are always speed bumps in the road. I think as Reagan said I see it in a lot of young adult fiction books, but I personally see it especially in the Hunger Games. Both Peeta and Gale love Katniss, and then Katinss ends up falling for Peeta. And as this play the love relationships are very complicated.

  4. Lysander is completely right in my opinion, because if you try to think of one romantic movie or book that did evolve a perfect relationship. There is none, because image how boring that would be, there would be no passion or excitement. Even though life is not all ways like the movies, love is not a smooth path.

  5. In my opinion, Lysander is correct. Many examples in literature and movies such as Cinderella, show love as just a series of problems but in the end you both live happily ever after. However, this is not accurate as love is many complications over the course of a lifetime. It shows how much two people care about each other as they can stick together through these tough times.

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  7. I think that Lysander is trying to say that we are all human and we all mess up and make mistakes that cause bumps in the road, however as long as two people can stick with eachother and perservere through the rough patches, they can do anything. Even as Hermia is threatened with death, she still risks it all to be with someone she truely loves.
    This story reminds me of the fault in our stars in the way that it's so tragic that there is something so big (cancer) between the lovers yet they still manage to support eachother till the end. Both stories have characters faced with death as well.
    In my opinion however, true love isn't real; you can certainly fall in love with someone but it's just as easy to get into an argument with that same person and hate them the next day. People never think they will get a divorce when they get married but it still happens, because we are all humans and with that comes complex feelings that we can't explain sometimes. But I suppose in books and movies they always have a heart warming ending.
    -Hannah Blankenship

  8. Lysander is correct, there's no which thing as a relationship that has no bumps or issues. My take on this is that you can't really know someone until you've seen how they've handled them selves in a tough situation. Part of true love is fighting through bad events using each other, and that's something that happens to everyone. Part of being human is getting yourself into situations that make yourself feel uncomfortable, and then finding a way, or someone, to help you out of it. A bumpy road in a relationship is perfectly natural.

  9. I totally agree with Lysander. I think that if you were to look at any romance move or read any romance novel, that there is 9 times out of 10 a dilemma that the couple has to work through. Take disney princesses for example, there's always a witch or wvil step mother getting in the was or poisoning people. Or take Romeo and Juliet... Enough said. My parents have always told me that even when people love eachother alot, they will always have something to disagree on or a problem that they have to resolve. I think those things are tests of true love on whether or not you can overcome all obstacles.
