Monday, February 22, 2016

MSND ACT IV Due 2/24 9pm

Shakespeare uses many new words that you've had to figure out based on context. We haven't spent a lot of time directly learning these words, so hence the purpose of today's post.

Assignment: Choose 5 words that  are new to you in the play, MSND. Then, write one sentence with each word. The sentences, can be modernized, but they need to relate to the play in some way.

*You may not use a word that a classmate as used. Sooo.. post swiftly and strategically.
*Extra credit: Write your sentences in iambic pentameter.


  1. The words I am using- throstle, perforce, beshrew, adamant, and ringlets

    1. 1. Demetrius thinks of Helena like a beautiful little throstle.
      2. Lysander's love for Hermia is perforced to be true.
      3. Oberon beshrewed Titania so that she would fall in love with a beast.
      4.Hermia's love for Lysander is very adamant, no one would be able to break it.
      5. When Demetrius marries Helena, he is going to give her a ringlglet.

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  3. My words/phrases are:
    aby it dear

    1. Replacing perforce with bootless!

      Helena bootless chased Demetrius to show her affection.

      Hermia and Lysander had to aby their love dear.

      Bottom was loud and outgoing, wherein Flute, for example, was the complete opposite.

      Puck was a beguile, especially when he interfered with Demetrius and Lysander's fight.

      Ere their wedding, Hippolyta and Theseus laugh and make fun of a play along with the 4 lovers.

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  6. My words:
    Monstrous little


    1. Life would be so much easier if Egeus would beteem Lysander to Hermia.
      The ugly pictures of me on Haley's snapchat story were momentany.
      Though Bottom has a large ego he has a monstrous little respect for anyone else.
      Though she acts serious in class, she has more of a wanton personality.
      If Puck did not interfere with Demetrius and Lysander's fight over Helena, they made have ended up in a chide.

  7. Ethiop, make mouths upon, entreat, con, fancy's

    Lysander had no respect for Hermia when he called her an ethiop.
    I often make mouths upon my friends to make them laugh.
    I hope I can entreat Mr. Whyte into giving me extra credit.
    I con many things every day.
    I fancy Channing Tatum.


  8. pat, wherefore, troth, pard, roundel


    1. 1) They doctor told me I needed to be there in a pat.
      2) Wherefore did my dog go?
      3) People troth when the get married.
      4) Lucas's mascot is the pard.
      5) I was in a play and we did a roundel.


  9. My words:
    Joiner: A carpenter or cabinet maker.
    Snug was a joiner.
    Nuptial Hour: The time for a wedding.
    Watching a play sounds like a boring thing to do at one's nuptial hour.

    Solemnity: A festive ceremony.
    I would rather my wedding be a solemnity.

    Pert: lively
    Puck is a very pert hobgoblin.

    Conceits: fancy trinkets
    Lysander stole hermia's fantasy with conciets.

    1. I found all my words within the first two pages, it helps to use the editors notes

  10. Ethiop, make mouths upon, entreat, con, fancy's

    Lysander had no respect for Hermia when he called her an ethiop.
    Many people made mouths upon the actors during the play.
    oberon entreated puck to put the love potion in peoples eyes.
    puck conned many things.
    Helena fancied Demetrius.

    -Haley (Revised)

  11. Life would be so much easier if Egeus would beteem Lysander to Hermia.
    Lysander's love for Helena was momentany.
    Though Bottom has a large ego he has a monstrous little respect for anyone else.
    Puck has more of a wanton spirit than the other characters.
    If Puck did not interfere with Demetrius and Lysander's fight over Helena, they made have ended up in a chide.
    -Aissa (revised)

  12. 1) Bottom told the merchants they needed to be looking sharp and right on pat.
    2) Wherefore did Bottom end up after he got kicked out of Titania's world?
    3) Lysander and Hermia troth their love for each other.
    4) One of the merchants closely relates to a pard, but he is a lion.
    5) Did the merchants to a roundel during their play?

    -ashlyn (revised)

  13. My words are: Grown a point, ever crossed, feigning voice, anon, trace.

    When reading Shakespeare I have grown to a point that egeus is not a feminist.

    Egeus was ever crossed when Hermia defies him and says she loves Lysander.

    When the fairies sang, they used a feigning voice to sing Titania asleep.

    Anon, the lovers will get married to the people that they love.

    While the lovers walked through the story, puck traced after them so he could put magic in their eyes.

    -Hannah Blankenship

  14. Eyne

    Helena’s eynes are compared to glass.
    Pyramus and Thisbe is a interlude in the wedding.
    Lysander, Hermia, and Lysander are a perfit example of a love triangle.
    Demetrius had forsworn Helena before receiving the love flower.
    Bottom was translated into an ass-head.

    -Jenna Carder

  15. Beshrew

    I tried to use iambic pentameter (only the first 3)

    1) Beshrew the man because for he’s an ass head
    2) I can’t believe he baited Hermia
    3) The man broached his heart is Prymus
    4) I wonder if Shakespeare ever considered having Lysander and Demetrius use their neafs instead of falling asleep.
    5)I wonder if the mechanicals were fordone after they performed their play to the royals.
