Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bellwork 3/10


  1. I would bottle up the memory of being at my great aunt Susie's house in West Virginia for a family reunion. I was seven years old, give or take. I had woken up at six that morning and made myself some hot cocoa. The mountains looked stunning with morning fog drifting through the valleys. I read Charlotte's Web that whole morning, sitting there as everyone else woke up. I remember that I read the whole book, got completely lost in the story. I'd probably open it up often. Getting the feeling or rereading and being lost in your favorite book again would be amazing. Surrounded by my family, in the mountains, just being able to experience and be lost in my favorite book again would be amazing.

    1. Very good description and imagry.

    2. "Got completely lost in the story." #bestdayever

  2. I remember this one time that I went to the lake with my family and I got to go wake surfing, inner tubing, paddle boarding, and I also got to try jet skiing for the first time! It wouldn't be a memory I would open often because I want to keep it as a special memory.
    -Hannah Blankenship

  3. I would have to say when Lucas won the soccer tournament last year. Our whole team worked with very hard and we all had strong determination. We played well as a team and we used each other's strengths to strengthen our weaknesses. If I locked this memory in a bottle forever I would open it often; when I need motivation or when I need to feel remembered. Because we weren't just a team we were a family, who worked together and encouraged each other and provided help and support to one another. With our skill, determination, and support for each other we made our way to the tournament. We had worked all season for a spot in the tournament. All our energy had been built up and we were ready and determined. It was on our home field and our minds were racing because we were playing the number two team, DSA. We went out and played Lucas soccer and we won, we did it!

  4. My memory that I would bottle up is the memory of winning my first soccer tournament. It had been a very long weekend, and we were tried and bruised. We were so happy to make it to the championship game, but we were told that we were playing a really tough team. We played the hardest game we had ever played, and by the time the whistle blew, we were champions. We had the biggest celebration because it was the first tournament we had ever won. We all got metals and our whole team got an amazing trophy. I would open it any time I lost a game and felt bad about myself, or just anytime that I need encouragement to do something.

  5. Reagan's comment:
    I truly don’t think memories are meant to be contained in a bottle to open at our convenience. Memories are the kind of thing that you remember because someone or something- a person in that memory or one that reminds you of it, and event, or a random object- opens it for you. Memories are remembered when they’re important: sometimes often; sometimes rarely; sometimes never, when they fade. They are ours, but not ours to manipulate or control, because that’s how our minds work.

  6. If I could bottle up one memory would be from a long time ago. When I started going back to Ocracoke Island. I open it up once year. Plus I add to this memory every year. It seems that the times get better and better. You can see the changes over the years. I remember the first time getting into the rough water (up to 10 ft tall waves) and I was so scared, but then I got the hang of being in the ocean. I started surfing when I was 9. I went to local surf shops to get lessons and my teachers started becoming some of my closest friends. Ocracoke Island is like a family, but then it started opening up to more tourism and it grew and expanded. Now Ocracoke is more like a memorial, since my grandparents moved out of their house on Ocracoke to Chapel Hill NC. Ocracoke Island has been apart of my family's history for decades, and now it's apart of my memory too.


  7. I would bottle up the memory of going to the beach with my grandparents when I was a kid. We started driving there early in the morning and ate our breakfast on the car ride there. Once we got there we stayed at a hotel for 2 days and swam in the ocean and all that cool beach stuff. I'd open it whenever I needed a break from life. It would be pretty nice just to go back to a time when I didn't have to care about anything.

  8. Zoe's comment:
    If I could bottle up any memory, I would bottle up the little moments when everyone was happy and laughing and the world was free of problems. I would bottle up the times in the summer when the temperature was just right and the breeze was perfect,and at the beach being able to walk along the shore and find sea shells and watch the sunset, Or When I was free from school and could do anything I wanted and I would bottle up the memories of finding the perfect book and laying outside on the grass or the memories of my mom singing me to sleep at night and the only thing I had to worry about was the monster hiding in the closet. I would open it all the time because I miss the beauty in the simplicity of those moments.
