Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Color of Water pages 45-78 Post #2

Happy blogging!
*focus on your VERBS when writing questions
*textual evidence is encouraged "Quote.......( McBride 11)."


  1. Level 2: Explain why Helen fought Rosetta. Was she really mad at Rosetta or did she just want to fight an authority figure?

    Level 3: Based on this quote, "her time only merited school, which was a top priority" (McBride 69), explain why you think education was so important to Ruth.

  2. Level 2: Distinguish the difference between Dennis and Helen, how are they alike and how are they different
    Level 3:Speclate why Ruth was crying when the church sang " We've Come This Far by Faith ,and I Have a Friend in Jesus ", and why she dined that she was sad even through James said " happy people did not seem to cry like she did" in the book The Color of Water page 50 by James McBride.

  3. @Haley's Level 2 question: I think that Helen did fight Rosetta because Rosetta was an authority figure within the household. I know this because it says that "Helen had picked the Mount Everest of fighters" (page 74 James McBride) this quote say that Rosetta is at the top and previously in the text we find out that Helen has a big problem with authority and likes to challenge "the man", like when she challenges her mother by dropping out of high school and quitting the piano in church chorus.

  4. level 2 question: Explain how James and his sibling's relationship was affected by spending all those hours alone together. Was it positive, or was it negative?

    Level 3 question: If James' mother dies, or leaves them, predict how they will survive. Who will take charge? Do you think they will stay together?

  5. Level 2: Explain why Richie thought that the painting of Jesus should be grey.
    Lever 3: Why do you think Hellen left?

  6. @ Haley answer to your level 3 question: I think that James' mother was so concerned with education because she knows that they don't have a lot of money, so getting good grades and getting a good education is whats going to make her kids successful. If they do badly in school, she won't have any money to support them.

  7. @Annmarie in response to your Level II question:
    I think Richie thought the painting of Jesus Christ should be grey because his little mind thought logically as a child. Black plus white equals grey, right?
    Keep in mind, he also thought he was Bruce Banner/ the Hulk. :)

  8. Here's my questions!!
    Level Two: Why, in Ruth's mind, was it not okay to recite a two-word verse (Jesus wept.)? Is it really not okay?

    Level Three: Imagine you are Helen. You have eleven other siblings. Why do you think she fought Rosetta and moved in with a "crazy lady"? Would you take your anger out in another way? How and why?

    1. @Reagan response to your level 2 question: Ruth thought it wasn't okay to recite a two word verse because she had much higher expectations for her children. I think it was okay because its okay to make mistakes and if he couldn't remember any other verse its good that he at least remembered that one.

  9. Level 2: Infer why Helen ran away, do you think it's because she felt under appreciated and overwhelmed by her family?

    Level 3: Imagine you didn't like your family, Develop your own plan of how you would run away.

    -Hannah Blankenship

  10. Hannah @Haley in response to your level 3: I think that Ruth was trying to make up for her bad childhood through her children. So by making sure Helen was focusing on school, she could create a successful future for her that ruth could live vicariously through.

  11. Hey! so here are my questions:

    Lvl 2: Distinguish James' accomplishments, to his siblings accomplishments. How might have James felt in the shadow of his siblings? (Like Dennis, Helen, even Kathy)
    Lvl 3: "Your brother died in the war." I asked her what happened, and she said, "Stay out of our lives. You've been out, Stay out." (McBride 63) Right here, Ruth had just found out what happened to her brother Sam, from her aunt. Defend why this might have been appropriate for Ruth's aunt to block Ruth from her family.

    - Aissa @grace In response to your level 2 question:

    Dennis is more educated and is going places in life, unlike Helen. Though both of them are artists and express concern for the horrible government at the time, Helen was more open about her opinions to her mother. Though Dennis marched on Washington, organized unions and did sit-ins, his mother never knew.

    1. @Aissa,
      In response to your level 2; I think that James would have felt unimportant, unwanted, and left out. Bring one of the younger ones James has no authority and his mother sort of "ignores" him. Dennis gets most of the attention not only from the mother but from the siblings, mostly out of jealousy and pure awe of his bravery in being a civil rights activist, and schooling to be a doctor.

      In response to your level 3:
      It was appropriate,(a little rude if i might add) because Ruth left her family, she never showed love or concern for her family so to call up her aunt and ask for help is pretty rude in my opinion.

  12. Haley @Aissa in response to your level 3 question
    Ruth's aunt had to go through losing her nephew and all other problems the family might have had while she has been gone, most likely even fights about her. So since she had been out of the family for so long, leaving them to deal with their problems by themselves, it makes sense that they wouldn't want her back.

  13. level 2 question:Why does James mom never let her children play with toy guns?(find in the text)
    Level 3 question: Why do you think mameh was so quick to turn the sailors away? (McBride 57-58)

    1. Jenna @Zoe In response to your Level 2:
      She never let them play with toy guns because on page 60 she's saying how she never let her children play with toy guns because she hated death and real guns.

  14. @Grace level 3 -

    I think Ruth loved the songs "We've Come This Far by Faith" and" I Have a Friend in Jesus" because she was raised in an unstable environment. She had no friends and she went from school to work and no where else. So I think with the song "I Have a Friend in Jesus" she is saying that even though she didn't have any friends and her dad was not nice to her, she still found Jesus as her friend. For the song "We've Come This Far by Faith" I think she likes and relates to this song because she has no husband and 12 kids to look after. They are pretty poor and there are arguments going on between siblings. She feels like the only way she has made it to where she has now is through her faith. I think she was crying because she was joyful and sad. She was joyful because Jesus has blessed her to make it this far without going into total poverty. But, she is sad because she doesn't know what's next in her life and for her kids.

  15. Level 2 - Infer what you think "... I was lost in the sauce, so to speak." is saying (McBride 65)
    Level 3 - Predict what you would do if you were Ruth and you came home one night to find one of your children was missing and then later finding out your child didn't want to ever come home.

    - Ashlyn

  16. Level 2: Why do you think Helen ignored her mother knocking on the door?
    Level 3: Imagine if your sibling left? How would you feel?

    Sorry these are late, internet thingy broke.
