Friday, September 18, 2015

The Color of Water pages 79-137

Happy blogging!


  1. 1st comment!
    Lvl 2: Though Ruth "converted" over to Christianity, she still felt the need to put James in a Jewish school. Explain why you think she felt that this was so important?

    Lvl 3: Growing up around Tateh's racial prejudice (and pretty much everyone else's), it was surprising to find out that Ruth grew up loving the black community. Judge why you think that she rebelled against the norm to the point where she got herself pregnant.
    -Aissa :D

    1. Brillaint post Jenna. You really highlighted what I think is one of McBride's most powerful messages in this text.

  2. Level 2: How do you think that Ruth's mother found out about her pregnancy just from a bracelet that she left behind in the graveyard, what other clues do you think Ruth's mother knew about to find out that she was pregnant, give textual evidence?

    Level 3: Explain why you think that James let a kid in the class say " James is a nigger" (McBride 89) even though all of his 11 siblings would have bum-rushed that kid. Do you think it may hay been because of the way he grew up as an outsider with in his school and his society due to the fact that he had a white mother and was black.

    1. Haley @Grace Level 2:
      I think she knew because Ruth was acting weird. She was nervous and scared and that's easy to see. Mameh is usually just sitting in the corner watching, but never speaking and she can see many things that no one else sees.

  3. @Aissa's level 3 question: Ruth loved how the black people never judged her like the white people did, this cause it not to be that surprising that she got herself pregnant and fell in love with a black man. Also it says that Ruth thought that she had a little bit of rebel in her, so maybe that is why she wanted to go against social norm of her time period. Also maybe the little rebellious soul that she had was her way of stress/coping her with the social prejudice that she faced first hand from Tateh and society.

    1. Sorry the response above from Aissa's level 3 question is from Grace

  4. -Aissa @grace in response to your level 2 question...

    I believe Mameh always knew. She was always a mysterious character in my perspective, caring, but lurking in the background when it came to parenting. "I'd just sit there on the balcony at night while everyone slept and cry and watch the moon" (McBride 113) It's interesting to see that no one noticed the fact that Ruth was crying while there supposedly asleep. Also no one noticed that she slipped away at random times during her work hours. Since Peter put all his secret love notes under the door, you would be surprised to find out that no one else in the family found them. When Ruth and Peter were arguing about the pregnancy, my best guess goes to Mameh eavesdropped on their conversation and got a full story on what was upsetting her daughter.

  5. Level 2: Distinguish James' personality from his siblings. How is he stronger? How is he weaker?
    Level 3: Defend how James handled his "painful reality". do you think the way he "escaped" it was healthy? what are some ways he could have handled it better?

    1. @Haley in response to your Level 2 question:
      James is different from his siblings by being weaker than them. When a white classmate calls him a horrible name, he sits there, instead of his siblings, who would've "found that punk and bum-rushed him." (McBride 90)

  6. Level 2 question: Compare your school life to James' school life. How is it different? What would you do if you were put in his shoes for the rest of the school year?

    Level 3: Put yourself in Ruth's shoes. Imagine that you fell in love with someone that you weren't suppose to love, and then you're pregnant with their baby. What would you do? Would you get an abortion like Ruth, Or would you stick with the baby and face the consequences?

    1. @Ben Neal
      In response to your Lvl 2--- My school life is different because unlike James I am not a minority, and our school is not a religious based school. If I had to be in his situation I'd do a lot to get out of going to school, I would fake being sick, heck I'd throw myself down a flight of stairs, I personally hate being a minority whether it's personality or skill set or hobbies. I also don't do well with criticism especially involving race .

    2. @Ben Neal
      In response to your Lvl 2--- My school life is different because unlike James I am not a minority, and our school is not a religious based school. If I had to be in his situation I'd do a lot to get out of going to school, I would fake being sick, heck I'd throw myself down a flight of stairs, I personally hate being a minority whether it's personality or skill set or hobbies. I also don't do well with criticism especially involving race .

  7. @Aissa answer to your level 2 question: I think that the reason Ruth decided to put James in a Jewish school was because even though she is Christian, everything she learned as a child was from a Jewish school so she wants her kids to grow up and learn the same morals and lessons that she learned.

  8. Level 2: Infer why Peter liked her, especially when it was so dangerous.

    Level 3: Imagine if you were in Ruth's situation, pregnant with no options. What would you do if you weren't offered help from Mameh?

  9. Level 2 - Infer what I you think was going through James' head when he said "I thought Jews were something that was in the Bible. I'd heard about them in Sunday school, through Jesus and such. I told Ma I didn't know they were still around" (McBride 85)
    Level 3 - Imagine you were James, what would you talk about when you talked to "the boy in the mirror" (McBride 91). What would you say? Would you be jealous of him/her like James was?

    -Ashlyn Riley

  10. Level 2: Compare pregnancy now a days to back when Ruth was 15. Distinguish the ways the times have changed.

    Level 3: Why do you think Ruth's aunt reacted the way she did, and even took her to get an abortion, rather than being angry like Tateh would have been?

    -Hannah Blankenship

    1. @Hannah to your level 2 question: I don't think pregnancy has changed much since Ruth was 15, a pregnant teenager would still not want to tell anyone that they're pregnant. But now if someone gets an abortion the doctor would probably use anaesthetic.

  11. Hannah @jenna response to your level 3 question: If I were 15 and pregnant back in those times, I would probably just want to run away into the country and raise my family there. In the book it did say that peter had friends in the country so maybe they could help. I would like to think that my mom would help me but I've learned that some people can have a calm demeanor, but then there are certain things that they'll freak out about.

    -Hannah Blankenship

  12. Level 2: Infer why Mameh sent Ruth to visit her grandmother.
    Level 3: Explain what you think "If you throw water on the floor it will always find a hole, believe me." (McBride 135) means.

  13. @Annmarie in response to your Level Two question:
    I think Mameh cared much more about Ruth than Tateh did, and she wanted her daughter to be more knowledgeable, family-oriented, and disciplined. I think Mameh believed sending Ruth to her grandmother would help her and her identity.

  14. Here are my questions:

    Level 2: Compare and contrast Mameh and Bubeh. Which one is more motherly? Uninvolved? Caring?
    Level 3: What is your opinion about abortions? Are they ethical? When is it okay, if ever? Why do you think that?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Personally I think that abortions are un-ethical, every being deserves a chance to live, In my mind the only time it might be okay is if the mother would abuse or neglect the baby, like some of those people who ditch their baby, or shake the baby when it cries, then again they could always give it up for adoption.

      This is a tough subject and I think it would be interesting to hear what others have to say about it :D

      - Zoe

  15. Lvl 2: Compare and contrast James' and Ruth's personalities/ ethics.

    Lvl 3: Go back to pages 101-103, would you have done the same thing that Ruth did? why or why not?

  16. @annmarie level 3 - I think Ruth makes this comment because she is explaining how the rest of her family is trying to fit in as Americans. I think what is referring to is, her famiy is the "water" and the world is the "holes". Meaning if you throw people out into an open world (especially somewhere like New York) people (in this case Ruth's family) they will always try to find a way to fit in. Water tends to spread, seep and do anything it can to get into that hole. But in this case when you replace the water with people, they will try to do anything they can to fit in. Especially since they are immigrants and they probably already feel like they don't fit in.

  17. What was life like for james in louisville
