Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Color of Water to page 193


  1. Here's my questions!!
    Level 3a: Do you think James started smoking weed, drinking and stealing because his stepfather died, or because of the way his mom reacted to it? Why do you think that?

    Level 3b: Throughout the book, James feels the need to specify whether someone is black or white, even when it doesn't seem necessary. Why do you think he does that? Is it just for your information, habit, or could it be something deeper?

    Level 2: Why isn't Ruth emotional when her children leave? What makes you think that? Use textual evidence.

  2. Hey! Here are my questions...
    Lvl 2: Compare and contrast the Chicken Man & Big Richard as role models for James. Why would James look up to these particular men given his situation?

    Lvl 3: Predict what might have happened if Ruth decided to ignore Andrew's advice and continue hanging around Rocky. Would her and Andrew's relationship have been the same? Would Ruth become desperate for a job and condescend to become a prostitute?

    - Aissa @reagan in response to your level 3a question.....

    Both factors probably contributed into James' situation. James' started failing high school when his stepfather died, and rarely went to school a while after that. He sensed that his mother was in a deep depression. " I began my own process of running, emotionally disconnecting myself from her, as if by doing so I could keep her suffering form touching me."(McBride 138) James' followed in his mother's footsteps, trying to avoid the problems at home. The fact that his stepfather died definitely took a toll on his life. But his mother's reaction made the suffering long, and drawn out, lasting for years among years, it never got better. There never seemed to be improvement. Until James started running to marijuana and alcohol.

  3. level 2: Imagine that you're Ruth, what would make you think that moving to Delaware would be the best option for you're family?

    Level 3: Compare teenage Ruth to James, do you think they are rebellious in the same way? Or were one of their behaviors more severe?

    Response to Reagans level 3a: I think that James acted like that not only because his stepfather died, but because his mother wasn't giving him attention and pushed him away. I can relate to this in a way because when my grandfather died, my mother became sort of secluded. She most likely just needed a change of scenery and needed to get away from everything that reminded her of Andrew.

  4. In response to your Level 3 question, Hannah:
    I think James' case is more severe, because he smoked, drank, and stole. I think Ruth wasn't trying to be as rebellious as much as trying to be normal and love a guy who she really loved. Getting pregnant wasn't really the point, I think. But I do think that it was good for her because she was able to escape her chaotic family life in New York. Smoking weed and drinking can have long-term effects, making it more dangerous and therefore rebellious, and I'm surprised he is well based on his weed and alcohol intake at a young age.

  5. Level 2: Explain why Jame's felt "his family was his friends, and his family was just people he lived with"(McBride 140)?
    Level 3: When Jame's says he "felt like he was getting back at the world for all the injustices he had suffered" (McBride 141) do you think he was referring to his mom's depression? To his step-father dying? Or to something different?

    1. Jenna @Haley's Level 3

      On page 141 James says, "I had suffered, but if you sat me down and asked me which injustices I was talking about, I wouldn't have been able to name them if my life depended on it." Technically he isn't referencing to anything. In my own opinion I think he was referring to growing up with a white mother. On page 103 McBride says, "I thought it would be easier if we were just one color, black or white. I didn't want to be white. My siblings had already instilled the notion of black pride in me. I would have preferred that Mommy were black."

  6. In response to Reagan's 3a:
    I feel like Jame's turned to smoking and drinking and stealing because of his mom falling apart. His mom was always his role model, someone to look up too, someone who showed no emotions. but now she's broken, and he doesn't know how to help her. i think he did it because he was scared that she would never get better and there was nothing he could do.

  7. Level 2: On page 187 why did James lie and agree with the students, why didn't he stand up for Mrs.Dawson? Would you have done the same thing in this situation?
    Level 3: "It occurred to me that since I was a little boy, she always wanted me to go. She was always sending me off on a bus someplace, to elementary school, to camp, to relatives in Kentucky, to college.She pushed me away from her just as she'd pushed my elder siblings away when we lived in New York, literally shoving them out the front door when they left for college. She would not hear of it when they applied for schools that were near home." (McBride 190) Why do you think Ruth sent her kids away? Why didn't she want them to go to schools near home?

  8. Level 2: Why do you think Ruth kept working for Rocky after she figured out that he was planning on turning her into a prostitute?

    Level 3: Imagine if you were in James's situation. Would you turn to drugs, alcohol, and robbing others, or figure out something else? Why do you think James started doing drugs, stealing, and drinking alcohol in the first place?

    1. @Jenna's level 3 question: If I was in James place I would have just cracked once his step-father died , and probably would have acted out in some of the same ways, like staying out late, hanging around the crowd and doing stuff that I would regret doing in the future. I would hope to think that I would have just been fine, but once you face reality you realize that even before his step dad died you notice that he has a lot of external and internal conflicts.

    2. @Jenna's level 3 question: I have to agree with grace I think I definitely turned to those types of "pain killers", as grace said, I'd like to think I could push on but I dont think I could, especially in his situation at home, if I no longer had some one to encourage my school work and basically told me I had to do well, I probably wouldn't be in this class right now. I'm lucky that I have the kind of motivation that he could have used in his situation. I can't help but feel bad for James, I don't think anyone can.

    3. @Jenna's level 3 question: I have to agree with grace I think I definitely turned to those types of "pain killers", as grace said, I'd like to think I could push on but I dont think I could, especially in his situation at home, if I no longer had some one to encourage my school work and basically told me I had to do well, I probably wouldn't be in this class right now. I'm lucky that I have the kind of motivation that he could have used in his situation. I can't help but feel bad for James, I don't think anyone can.

  9. Level 2: Speculate why Ruth couldn't handle going to graduation and left for New York the very next day.

    Level 3: Infer what would have happened to James if he hadn't seen a man being stabbed by his girlfriend over a bottle of wine? Do think he would have dug himself to deep of a hole to climb out of by himself.

    1. @Grace's level 2: I think she simply couldn't deviate from what she had known all her life and was still afraid of what the consequences might be if she disobeyed tateh.

      Just some notes: I didn't quite understand your level three question, if you could explain it tomorrow that'd be great!
      btw I like your use of the word speculate, I love that word I don't know why,I'm weird like that but you already know that :P

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. lvl 2:why do you think Chicken man spoke so harshly to James.
    lvl 3: Imagine you were james what would you do if your father died, would you do what james did or fight through it to make your dad proud?

  12. Level 2 - Analyze show James must have felt because of this statement he made (McBride 189-190) "She pushed me away from her just as she'd pushed my elder siblings away when we lived in New York, literally shoving them out the door when they left for college."
    level 3 - Imagine you were Ruth. On McBride 165 it said "The young Jewish girl who at one time could not allow herself to walk into a gentile church now couldn't do without it; her Orthodox Jewish ways had long since translated themselves into full-blown Christianity." Do you think you would be able to change religions like that, and basically go against everything you know?


    1. @Ashlyn to your level 3 question: I don't think I could change religions like that because I am an athiest and unless someone finds proof that a God or higher power exists and cares about us I will remain an athiest.

  13. @Haley's level 2 - I think James said that because he really didn't communtpicate with his family anymore, he basically just lived with them. I think he didn't communicate with them because he didn't want them to really know he was skipping school to hang out with friends that did illegal things. That is why his family was just "the people he lived with" His friends had become "his family" because they were the ones that got him alcohol, drugs and money, and at that point in his life that was all he cared about.

