Level 2: Why do you think Mr. Neck is so intent on first impressions and uses them to judge (probably) for the rest of the year? Level 3: Put yourself in Melonda's shoes. Just started a new year at a new school, and you're probably getting the vibe that this could actually be an okay year. I mean, new school, start fresh, right? And then your friends for nine years hate you and you've got a bad rap for one of your teachers because you were standing up. How would you deal with this and why?
First off I know exactly what that feels like from my own experience and don't get me wrong it's not pleasant. In elementary school when I was younger I would have gone home and cried and I did. for like 3 weeks straight. I am not proud to say it but I cared about this person a lot and my naive self still cared about what others thought of me. Looking back I wish that I had known that none of that stuff matters. I'm not saying I don't care about what others think of me now, because I do, just not nearly as much and looking back, this person was not someone who I should have hung out with, and thanks to her I have found some freakin' awesome friends. Knowing all of that I would probably be like " i have enough crap going on right now, I don't need you. And as Mrs .Longee would say; BYE FELICIA!
Level 2 - Infer why you think Mr. Neck doesn't like Melinda from the minute he sees her. " I knew you were trouble the first time I saw you." (Anderson 9) Level 3 - Predict how you think Melinda is feeling about her "ex-friends". I mean they were her friends of 9 years but now they just roll their eyes and look away. Even her "ex-BEST friend" "Her eyes meet mine for a second. 'I hate you,' she mouths silently" (Anderson 5)
response to @ashlyn level 3: By the way she reacted I think she isn't angry at all, she is just sad that her friends don't like her anymore. She never does anything to defend herself or just to get them to stop. I feel she is just as mad at herself as they are at her. -Haley
@Ashlyn's Level 2 Question: I think that Mr. Neck is way to quick to judge, just because a student is having trouble deciding where to sit does not mean that she is a bad student . And everyone knows that you can pretty much never trust first impressions, especially the ones that are on the first day of high school. You can never say that I know that you are a trouble maker the first time I laid eyes on you, you would think that a teacher who holds up the fact that he has been teaching for twenty four years like a trophy would know better. -Grace
response @zoe - I think Mr. Freeman said that because he knows how high school is and it is hard, whether you are trying to fit in, trying to keep up with grades, etc. but he knows. I think he is trying to say that this class is your way to get a relief from that. Also with his project that he gave them, it is challenging them to dig deeper and be creative. I think that he may have meant that to relater to your whole high school career in the sense that you should just express yourself and be who you really are.
Level 2: On page 14 Melinda says "I try not to dwell on it. It has to go anyway eventually." Do you think this is a good point of view? Why? Level 3: When Melinda says "nobody really wants to here what you have to say"(Anderson 9) do you think she is really talking about her friends? Or just everybody in general? Do you think she felt this way before her friends started hating her? -Haley
@Haley's Level 2: I do think this is a good point of view, because it's good to move on from just some books knocked out of your hand. However, if it were a more serious case (excessive bullying, telling her to "kill herself," etc.), she doesn't need to push it out of her mind and she needs to get help. But I think that not dwelling on the books being pushed out of her hands is good. It shows the kid that did it that she does not care. At all.
Level 2- Explain why you think Melinda and her parents don't communicate as much as the average family. Is it because her Mom may not have enough time to? Is it because Melinda and her Dad aren't so close?
Level 3- Predict what you think what might have happened between Melinda and her group of friends. Was it just a small fight or was it an unforgivable act?
-Aissa @reagan in response to your level 2 question....
Mr.Neck was a stricter teacher (a little to tense and militaristic style as a veteran). When Melinda stood up when she wasn't supposed to, maybe he took that as more of an act of disrespecting authority. When she tried to leave the cafeteria to clean up, Mr.Neck confirmed Melinda was going to be a trouble-maker. Since she didn't give a proper excuse for being out of the cafeteria, it made her look as if she were up to no good. It could have been something to do with Mr.Neck's past, his prior stereotype on people who act like Melinda, but who knows?
Level two question: How did the imagery effect your experience in reading the book? Explain some of the pros of using this type of imagery.
Level three question: "I hear dad turn on the television. Clink, clink, clink -he drops ice cubes in a heavy-bottomed glass and pours in some booze."(Anderson 16) Just from this sentence, predict how Melinda's life is going to be affected by her paternal influence, especially with all the problems she is already going through.
Level 2: Speculate why it is so hard for Melinda to find a different group to hang out with, because isn't there suppose to be a whole bunch of people who don't know you when you go to a new school?
Level 3: Explain why all of Melinda's view points of school are negative, weather it is her ex- friend laughing at her or her opinion of her teachers on the first day of school and how they look/appear? Do you think it might just be her personality or the fact that she is really torn up that her friends left her all alone? -Grace
@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
@Haley, response to your level 2 question: It all depends on what event has happened to her. In this specific situation, all that happens is her books get knocked down. In this situation and other not so important situations, it is a good technique not to dwell on it. Letting little stuff like that go improves your self confidence, instead of making it feel bad about yourself. The other part of this is when it's not okay. If something really big happens to you that could really affect your emotional and mental health, then it's best not to try to let it go when it can still hurt you, and get help to fix it. Unfortunately for Melinda, She doesn't have as strong of a connection with her parents so she isn't able to get any support from them. But I have the feeling that further on in the story she is going to find someone or a group of people that she is going to be able to receive support from.
Hey this is Hannah Level two: Compare rachel and melinda; are they in different clans? And do they remind you of clans at Lucas?
Level three: Imagine how you felt when you were entering middle school. Do you think it would be more difficult with no friends and everyone hating you?
Response to Grace level two: I remember how shy I was in sixth grade and no one hates me so I can't imagine how hard it is for Melinda. I just needed to jump out and say hi to people. I think she should try and make friends with the girl from Ohio.
Level II: Infer what the author meant by " Better the Devil you know than the Trojan you don't, I guess." (Anderson 4) Level III: How would you react if someone threw mashed potatoes at you? Would you do the same as Melinda and run away, or would you confront the person who threw the potatoes?
one question/response?
ReplyDeleteI still think it's a level 2, a level 3, and a response.
DeleteAre you guys doing our English 1 HW in Ms. Hensley's class?
DeleteNo, I replied at home. Maybe the time is wrong on it, but I definitely didn't do it at school. I can't even get internet there anyways. :)
DeleteLevel 2: Why do you think Mr. Neck is so intent on first impressions and uses them to judge (probably) for the rest of the year?
ReplyDeleteLevel 3: Put yourself in Melonda's shoes. Just started a new year at a new school, and you're probably getting the vibe that this could actually be an okay year. I mean, new school, start fresh, right? And then your friends for nine years hate you and you've got a bad rap for one of your teachers because you were standing up. How would you deal with this and why?
@Reagan in response to your level 3 question:
DeleteFirst off I know exactly what that feels like from my own experience and don't get me wrong it's not pleasant. In elementary school when I was younger I would have gone home and cried and I did. for like 3 weeks straight. I am not proud to say it but I cared about this person a lot and my naive self still cared about what others thought of me. Looking back I wish that I had known that none of that stuff matters. I'm not saying I don't care about what others think of me now, because I do, just not nearly as much and looking back, this person was not someone who I should have hung out with, and thanks to her I have found some freakin' awesome friends. Knowing all of that I would probably be like " i have enough crap going on right now, I don't need you. And as Mrs .Longee would say; BYE FELICIA!
excuse my ad/hd rambling :)
Way to be honest:) Proud of ya.
DeleteLOL you are SO AWESOME Zoë. We love you
Deleteone question/response?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think Mr. Freeman describes his class as "The only class that will teach you how to survive" (Anderson pg. 10) ?
ReplyDeleteLevel 2 - Infer why you think Mr. Neck doesn't like Melinda from the minute he sees her. " I knew you were trouble the first time I saw you." (Anderson 9)
ReplyDeleteLevel 3 - Predict how you think Melinda is feeling about her "ex-friends". I mean they were her friends of 9 years but now they just roll their eyes and look away. Even her "ex-BEST friend" "Her eyes meet mine for a second. 'I hate you,' she mouths silently" (Anderson 5)
response to @ashlyn level 3:
DeleteBy the way she reacted I think she isn't angry at all, she is just sad that her friends don't like her anymore. She never does anything to defend herself or just to get them to stop. I feel she is just as mad at herself as they are at her.
@Ashlyn's Level 2 Question: I think that Mr. Neck is way to quick to judge, just because a student is having trouble deciding where to sit does not mean that she is a bad student . And everyone knows that you can pretty much never trust first impressions, especially the ones that are on the first day of high school. You can never say that I know that you are a trouble maker the first time I laid eyes on you, you would think that a teacher who holds up the fact that he has been teaching for twenty four years like a trophy would know better.
response @zoe - I think Mr. Freeman said that because he knows how high school is and it is hard, whether you are trying to fit in, trying to keep up with grades, etc. but he knows. I think he is trying to say that this class is your way to get a relief from that. Also with his project that he gave them, it is challenging them to dig deeper and be creative. I think that he may have meant that to relater to your whole high school career in the sense that you should just express yourself and be who you really are.
Level 2: On page 14 Melinda says "I try not to dwell on it. It has to go anyway eventually." Do you think this is a good point of view? Why?
ReplyDeleteLevel 3: When Melinda says "nobody really wants to here what you have to say"(Anderson 9) do you think she is really talking about her friends? Or just everybody in general? Do you think she felt this way before her friends started hating her?
@Haley's Level 2:
DeleteI do think this is a good point of view, because it's good to move on from just some books knocked out of your hand. However, if it were a more serious case (excessive bullying, telling her to "kill herself," etc.), she doesn't need to push it out of her mind and she needs to get help. But I think that not dwelling on the books being pushed out of her hands is good. It shows the kid that did it that she does not care. At all.
Level 2- Explain why you think Melinda and her parents don't communicate as much as the average family. Is it because her Mom may not have enough time to? Is it because Melinda and her Dad aren't so close?
ReplyDeleteLevel 3- Predict what you think what might have happened between Melinda and her group of friends. Was it just a small fight or was it an unforgivable act?
-Aissa @reagan in response to your level 2 question....
Mr.Neck was a stricter teacher (a little to tense and militaristic style as a veteran). When Melinda stood up when she wasn't supposed to, maybe he took that as more of an act of disrespecting authority. When she tried to leave the cafeteria to clean up, Mr.Neck confirmed Melinda was going to be a trouble-maker. Since she didn't give a proper excuse for being out of the cafeteria, it made her look as if she were up to no good. It could have been something to do with Mr.Neck's past, his prior stereotype on people who act like Melinda, but who knows?
Level two question: How did the imagery effect your experience in reading the book? Explain some of the pros of using this type of imagery.
ReplyDeleteLevel three question: "I hear dad turn on the television. Clink, clink, clink -he drops ice cubes in a heavy-bottomed glass and pours in some booze."(Anderson 16) Just from this sentence, predict how Melinda's life is going to be affected by her paternal influence, especially with all the problems she is already going through.
Level 2: Speculate why it is so hard for Melinda to find a different group to hang out with, because isn't there suppose to be a whole bunch of people who don't know you when you go to a new school?
ReplyDeleteLevel 3: Explain why all of Melinda's view points of school are negative, weather it is her ex- friend laughing at her or her opinion of her teachers on the first day of school and how they look/appear? Do you think it might just be her personality or the fact that she is really torn up that her friends left her all alone?
@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
Delete@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
Delete@Grace to your level 2 question: I think it was hard for Melinda to find a group to hang out with because, at least for me, it is very awkward talking to people you don't know yet and she probably didn't have any idea where she fit in.
Delete@Haley, response to your level 2 question: It all depends on what event has happened to her. In this specific situation, all that happens is her books get knocked down. In this situation and other not so important situations, it is a good technique not to dwell on it. Letting little stuff like that go improves your self confidence, instead of making it feel bad about yourself. The other part of this is when it's not okay. If something really big happens to you that could really affect your emotional and mental health, then it's best not to try to let it go when it can still hurt you, and get help to fix it. Unfortunately for Melinda, She doesn't have as strong of a connection with her parents so she isn't able to get any support from them. But I have the feeling that further on in the story she is going to find someone or a group of people that she is going to be able to receive support from.
ReplyDeleteHey this is Hannah
ReplyDeleteLevel two: Compare rachel and melinda; are they in different clans? And do they remind you of clans at Lucas?
Level three: Imagine how you felt when you were entering middle school. Do you think it would be more difficult with no friends and everyone hating you?
Response to Grace level two: I remember how shy I was in sixth grade and no one hates me so I can't imagine how hard it is for Melinda. I just needed to jump out and say hi to people. I think she should try and make friends with the girl from Ohio.
Level II: Infer what the author meant by " Better the Devil you know than the Trojan you don't, I guess." (Anderson 4)
ReplyDeleteLevel III: How would you react if someone threw mashed potatoes at you? Would you do the same as Melinda and run away, or would you confront the person who threw the potatoes?