Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Speak pages 74-137 (Due Friday by 8, 10pm)


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    1. @Reagan level 2
      I think she didn't get an invitation because of the poster mishap. The Marthas were probably still annoyed with her for that. I think Heather felt upset because she had worked hard to get into their group and she felt like they were turning her done for one mistake that she didn't even do.

    2. Sorry this was for last blog post!! I accidentally posted them here.

  2. Level 2: What role do you think "Basketball pole" is going to play in the story? Will he even play one?
    Level 3: What do you think made Melinda finally open up about the party? Does this mean she is going to tell someone? Or does it mean she is finally going to forgive herself?

    1. @haley's level 2:
      I dont think he will end up playing a role considering the fact that melinda agreed to help with the free throws but decided to ditch him and the team instead.

  3. Level 2: Why do you think Melinda bit all the way through her lip? Why did she seem so nonchalant about it?
    Level 3: Put your self in Melinda's mothers or fathers shoes. Would you divorce if you were them? Why or Why not?

    1. Jenna @ Zoe's Level 2:

      Biting you lip is like most habits because it relieves stress. I have habits like that. I shake my leg, twirl my pencil, messing with my hair, and biting my tongue (Yes, it's weird but it's a thing Google it.) to relieve my anxiety. You become so accustomed to it you don't even notice it anymore. It's just there. It's sort of like when you have a lose tooth. Messing with it hurts but you do it anyways. I think it's her way of coping with her mild PTSD from her rape. When you use something to cope it becomes the only thing that let's you know you're alive. It's your anchor to reality. Chewing through her lip didn't really matter because it kept her from getting trapped in the memory.

  4. Level 2: Why do you think Melinda feels so comfortable around Mr.Freeman? She can talk without feeling overly anxious- something she can't do around her own parents. Can Mr.Freeman and Melinda relate somehow?

    Level 3: Support Melinda's decision on wanting to stay home from David's party. Dealing with the memories of a former party, how might this influence her decision? Would she be to weary of what might happened at future parties?

    -Aissa @zoe in reply to your level 2 question....

    Horrible things about her had just happened. She probably was trying to relieve her anxiety about what happened, and trying to decide what to do about it. Since biting her lip seems to help her calm down, she was probably taking out her fear on her lip. She didn't really feel the pain of her lip as much as the pain of being raped. Her thoughts were scrambled so she didn't know where to turn.

    1. In response to Aissa's Level 2:
      I think Melinda is frustrated not only in art, but at life, and I think Mr. Freeman might understand both of those frustrations. To prove his apparent frustration, we find that "Mr. Freeman steps back, as if he has just seen something new in his own picture. He slices the canvas with my chisel, ruining it with a long, ripping sound that makes the entire class gasp." (Anderson 92)

    2. I think melinda feels comfortable with him because they have similar personalities and problems.

      (My internet screwed up soo... Oops)

  5. Level 2: Why do you think Heather ditched Melinda? Would you have done the same thing?

    Level 3: Imagine that you were in Rachel's face. You're angry at your friend for calling the cops on a party, and people were getting arrested and it was her fault. How would you react, without knowing Melinda's side of the story?

  6. Hey this is Hannah
    Level 2: On page 132 it shows two versions of Melinda debating with eachother. Compare the two versions of Melinda.

    Level 3: Why do you think that Laurie Halse Anderson decided to have Melinda tell the readers about her attack in such an unexpected manner?

    Response to Jenna's level 2: I think that Heather strives to be popular and liked, so since Melinda is hated by pretty much everyone, she ditched her. I wouldn't have left Melinda because any person in their right mind would be able to see that Melinda is hurt and she needs support.

  7. Level 2 - Infer what you think was going through Melinda's mind while her parents were having a meeting with the principal and the guidance counselor.
    Level 3 - Imgaine if you were in Melinda's shoes, would you have told someone about the party? Why or why not?

    @aissa level 2...
    I think Melinda feels very comfortable around Mr. Freeman because they do kind of connect in a way. They aren't just a like but he is really the only "rock" Melinda has. Her parents fight all the time, she doesn't trust any other teachers or administration, and she doesn't have any friends. He is hard on her but not in a mean way, he gives her constructive criticism. And that's what Melinda wants, she doesn't want people to baby her but she also needs some sort of help. I thinks Mr. Freeman sees a bright future for Melinda and wants to help her find what she needs.


    1. @Ashlyn's level 3 question: If I was in her shoes I would have told my best friend about what really happened that night at the party. I would do this because if you don't get it off your chest it will burn through you inside and out. You can see this happening to Melinda like when she starts to hear the voice of "it" and suddenly she is unable to continue what she was doing that moment. Also you see it when Melinda was questioning herself about how and when if at all she should tell her parents what happened at the party.

  8. level 2: Do you think that the fact that Melinda is having such a hard to with the tree and having it show feeling or emotion is symbolism for something else, and if so what could it symbolize?

    level 3: Put your self in Melinda's shoes; do you think that you would have acted out the same ways she did because she felt as if everyone was talking about her behind her back?

  9. Level two question: "Maybe I'll be an artist if I grow up."(Anderson 78) Melinda says If I grow up. What does that tell us even more about how she thinks about herself? How does that make you feel?

    Level three question: Put yourself in Melinda's shoes. Your life is actually going in a direction that doesn't make you feel useless. A lot of this change was because of your your friend Heather. Out of nowhere, she tells you that you are no fun to be around and that you need professional help. Predict how this would impact you.

    @Hannah answer to your level three question: Melinda was a very mysterious character from the start, in my opinion. I think that the reason that the author didn't have Melinda reveal what happened at the party was to give the reader a chance to figure it out themselves. Up until when Melinda told us, there were little hints about what happened at the party-"I see IT in the hallway. IT goes to Merryweather..."

  10. Here are my questions!!
    Level 2: Melinda seems to constantly be bleeding, whether it's from her thumb or her lip. Why do you think she justs shrugs it off?
    Level 3: What do you think is the author's purpose of putting Melinda's grades at the end of each marking period?

    One more!
    Level 3: Infer what will happen between Heather and Melinda. Will they ever be friends again? What makes you think this?
