Thursday, October 8, 2015

Speak pages 18-47

Happy blogging! I am SO glad you like this book!


  1. Level 2 - Infer how you would have reacted when Heather got all emotional and punched her teddy bear. Would you have just got up and left like Melinda did? Would you try to comfort her? Would you have tried to help her?
    Level 3 - Predict what you think happened at the Kyle Rodgers's party. "Aren't you the girl who called the cops at Kyle Rodgers's party at the end of the summer?" (Anderson 27) And how do you think it made Melinda feel when all those people were talking about why she did it? " A block of ice freezes our section of the bleachers. Heads snap in my direction with the sound of a hundred paparazzi cameras. I can't feel my fingers. I shake my head" (Anderson 28)

    -Ashlyn Riley

  2. Level 2- Explain why you think it is so important to Heather to be popular. Is it her personality (being very perky) or is it society's norm to want to be popular? As a new students, what are some challenges that she had to face to become popular? How might being friends with Melinda effect her chances of being popular?

    Level 3 - Imagine that you are in Melinda's place. How would you feel that your only friend (Heather) is probably going to leave you because of her new found "popularity"? What would you say to Heather and the Martha clan? Would you still want Heather to be your friend though she is very shallow?

    -Aissa Dearing

    1. ^^ As Heather, would you have done the same thing to Melinda if it meant more friends and a set ground in high school?

  3. - Aissa @ashlyn in response to your level 2 question....

    I would have probably stayed and comforted her. It's hard to get people to like you and want to be your friend so I could understand where she's coming from. I'd probably give some advice too. Though she was being melodramatic, she needed to calm down and be reassured. Melinda thought in her head that Heather's idea wasn't going to get her anywhere. " It is the most hopeless idea I have ever heard, " (Anderson 35) If I were a good friend of Heather, I would have told her this so she could come up with something that sounded more reasonable. I understand why Melinda left, but it wasn't something a true friend would do.

  4. Level 2: Infer who/what you think "IT" was on page 46.

    Level 3: Why do you think that Melinda didn't explain herself at the pep rally when the girl asked her about the party?

    Response to Aissa level 2: I think heather is the type of person that has the strong need to be liked. So she will take any opportunity to join groups and meet new people so she can have more options as far as what clan she chooses. I believe her personality contributes to this because it's difficult not to like someone when they aren't mean to you.

    1. in response to hannahs level 2:
      what happened was she called the cops on a party and got some of her friends and others in trouble

  5. In response to Hannah's level three:
    I think, to be honest, Melinda was just scared. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who is put on the spot very much, and when she is, it's flight, fight, or freeze. This time, most definitely freeze. I'm answering like this because I'm like that when put on the spot. It's a "freeze" for me. I stutter and panic a little, and I completely understand why she was like that, especially when the person said their brother was arrested.

  6. Level two question: How do you think the janitors closet is going to help Melinda with her social problems? What do you think she is going to do with it?(specifically)

    Level three question: Predict how Heather from Ohio is going to react when she sees Melinda's room, and even her true lifestyle of living. Do you think they will remain friends, or will it be too much for Heather?

    1. Response to your level II question: I think the janitors closet will help Melinda by giving her somewhere to hide if something happens that she can't deal with. I think she will hide there and skip class.

  7. @Aissa answer to your level three question: What I think happened at the party was that Melinda got scared into calling the cops. I know that in her previous years she has had friends, but she still probably wasn't invited to many parties, let alone high school parties that involve activities that are bad enough to have the police come. I don't know what specific events happened, but i'm guessing we'll find out sooner or later.

  8. Level 2: Do you think Heather and Melinda really are good friends? Do you think one of them is just being nice? Explain why you think that using textual evidence.
    Level 3: Infer what will happen with Melinda the the cliques at her school. Will she ever fit into one? Will she start her own? Will she become friends with Rachel/Rachelle, Nicole, Ivy, or any others? Why do you think that?

    1. @Reagan's level two question: I think that Melinda will almost turn into a "floater" which is someone who doesn't really have a group or cliques, their almost are like the person you talk to when you have no one else to talk to. I think that eventually Melinda will tell what really happened at the party and why she called the cops and that will be the start of them pieceing back their relationship to what it used to be.

    2. @Reagan level 3
      I don't think Melinda will ever join a clique because she is never going to forgive herself. Out of all the people mad at her for calling the cops she is more mad at herself than anyone else. She needs someone to forgive her enough to become friends but until she can forgive herself, she won"t let anyone else forgive her.

    3. In response to Reagan's level two:
      At first I expected Melinda to be a straight A student who was an outcast and a victim and that she is, but in a different way, I get the vibe that she is victimizing herself and honestly her perspective of the friendship is pretty twisted and horrible. She views heather as "disposable" just until she can find someone better than heather. In mt view Melinda is being incredibly selfish, it's just hard to notice because of the way the author displays Melinda's character.

  9. Level 2: "I need a new friend. I need a friend period. not a true friend. nothing close or share clothes or sleepover giggle giggle yak yak. just a pseudo-friend, disposable friend. friend as accessory. just so I don't feel and look stupid."( Andrews 22 ). How does this revile more of Melinda and her situation at high school, and why doesn't she consider Heather as a friend.
    Level 3: When the entire school was going to the gym for the peep rally Melinda had her hair pulled by someone behind her and was kneed in the neck. How would you deal with that and the fact that you always had a target on your back because you called the cops at a party.? Would you ask for help or tell your parents what's going on?

    1. Jenna @ Grace's Level 2:

      Alright so since I've read this book I know this response will sound horrible but I think she's being really.. I guess horrible? Think about it, if this were a guy talking about a girl we would all be outraged about him thinking of her as disposable. It's equally disgusting when it's with a friendship or with someone of the same gender. So truthfully I don't like Melinda much as a character. Her situation is horrible but that doesn't mean she's automatically a good person. We have this delusion as a society that we need to have a clear cut antagonist and hero and that you can't have a story without a hero and I want to argue that Melinda is no where near a hero.

  10. Level 2:Based on the info in the text what group do you think Melinda is most likely to join and why?

    Level 3: On pages 34-35 Heather gets upset that it's not so easy to fit in anymore, compare your own situation to heather's. Did you find that it was hard to find a group of friends when you first got to Lucas? Why or why not?

  11. Level 2: Based on the way Melinda treats the people around her, do you think Melinda is mad at them or mad at herself?
    Level 3: Predict how you think Melinda will handle Heather becoming part of another group. Will she be upset that Heather has left or happy?

  12. Level 2: Infer why Melinda tolerates Heather's antics instead of telling her what she actually thinks.

    Level 3: Speculate on why the school keeps changing their name. Why do you think Anderson includes this in the story?

  13. @jenna level 2 - I think Melinda tolerates Heather because in some ways they are alike. They both don't have very many friends and feel like they don't really fit in anywhere. Almost like they are both "outcasts." I also think Melinda hangs out with Heather a lot because all of her other friends don't like her anymore. I think Melinda really does like Heather and feels like they are becoming closer because Heather is such a friendly person, Melinda can't really be mean because Heather kind of took Melinda in when they became friends. It would be hard for them to break their friendship now without it greatly effecting both of them.

    -Ashlyn (sorry it is 5 mins late :) )

  14. Level II: Infer what Melinda means by "I wash my face in the sink until there's nothing left of it, no eyes, no nose, no mouth. A slick nothing."
    Level III: Interpret what Melinda's nightmare meant. Who is "IT"? What does "Good thing my lips are stitched together or I'd throw up." mean? How will this connect with the rest of the story?
    (Sorry for not posting this sooner, my internet has been out for almost the whole weekend x.x)

  15. looking over the posts I now realize that there was a malfunction with me response. i guess my computer screwed something up

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
