Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Speak pages 48-73


  1. Level two question: How do you think Melinda's parents felt when she didn't really give a good reaction while opening her presents? Do you think that they are used to this king of behavior when it comes to Melinda?

    Level three question: Part one: What is your prediction about what happened to Melinda at the party, now that we have a little bit more information, and why did it make her call the cops? Part two: Based on your prediction on what happened at the party, now predict how Melinda's parents are going to react when they find out, based on their abnormal personalities.

    1. @Ben's level 2 question: I would say that her parent are used to this kind of reaction, because the way Melinda talks about Christmas makes it sound like a routine like the same thing happened last Christmas and the Christmas before that. So I would say that her parents just felt fine with the reaction Melinda had when she opened her presents.

  2. level 2: "His son wanted to be a firefighter, but didn't get the job Mr.Neck is convinced that this is some kind of reverse discrimination. He says we should close our borders so that real Americans can get the job they deserve. The job test said that I would be a good fire fighter. I wounder if I could take a job away from Mr. Neck's son. Do you disagree with Mr. Neck's opinion or completely agree. Now that you know what some of his opinions are what president do you think he would vote for and why?

    level 3: Given the saying that is said on p.g. 70 3rd paragraph under the section titled Winter Break how would you feel if you were in this situation, and can you relate to the feeling she has about her parent's relationship.

  3. @Grace answer to your level two question: I completely disagree with Mr. Neck. One of the reasons this country is so great is because of all the cultural diversity. I don't want to get too off track, but people coming from other countries expands the possibilities for the US. Now that we know his opinion, he would obviously vote for Donald Trump because one of his main goals is to decrease the amount of immigrants coming into this country.

  4. Lvl 2: Why do you think it was relevant for the author to put in Mr.Neck's opinion on immigration? Does the author view Mr.Neck as an antagonist? How might this show some of Mr.Neck's harshness towards Melinda?

    Lvl 3: Support Melinda's claim - "My family doesn't talk much and we have nothing in common, but if my mother cooks a proper Thanksgiving dinner, it says we'll be a family for one more year." (Anderson 58) How do traditions hold family's together? Even if your in a miserable household situation, is it truly that important to stick to old traditions?

    -Aissa @grace in response to your level 2 question....

    I completely disagree with Mr.Neck's stance on immigration. America is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. If we were to close our borders it would be to close up outside opportunity to others who desperately need it. For some people in other countries, their life can be so miserable, and the "land of the free" sounds like a dream to them. America is their safe house. Knowing that Mr.Neck doesn't like immigration, he would probably vote for Donald Trump. Donald Trump's racial remarks on immigration are truly disgusting, yet applauded by some people like Mr.Neck. Since both of these people are so narrow minded, they do not see that some people work hard to get to America. They see that people from other countries are here to cause trouble or steal jobs. In all honesty, people do not understand that everyone has a chance to make it in America, regardless of their immigration status.

  5. Level II: Why did Melinda start to cry when her parents gave her a sketchpad and charcoal pencils?
    Level III: Do you agree with what David Petrakis did in Mr.Neck's class? Would you have done the same thing? Why or why not?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jenna @ Annmarie's Level 2:

      Melinda started to cry because her parents actually noticed what she was doing and cared to give her supplies for it. On page 72 Melinda says, "They've noticed I've been trying to draw. They noticed." Earlier, on page 14, she said "We communicate with notes on the kitchen counter... What else is there to say?" She isn't used to her parents noticing or caring about her.

    3. Hey AnnMarie! In response to your level two, I think Melinda was so emotional because she knew her parents only pretended to worry and care. At least, that's what she saw. She was so happy that this time, her parents not only noticed something she was trying to do, but helped her in that process. You know, if I were in that situation, I would've done the same thing. :). Great question, Annmarie!

  6. Level 2: Analyze the way Melinda acts and carries herself; do you think she has self esteem issues?

    Level 3: Predict what happened at the party based on the clue she's given so far.

    Reply to Aissa level 3: I think that being able to afford or plan a family tradition represents stability. If they are together and happy on a holiday, they can just ignore the rest of the world and enjoy themselves.
    -Hannah B

  7. Level 2: Why do you think Melinda is having so much trouble with her art work? What would you make, given the prompt she was given and why?
    Level 3: Why do you think Melinda's mom feels so strongly about making a Thanksgiving dinner? How is Thanksgiving important to you?

    1. Response to your level 2 question: I think she had trouble with her art because of the prompt being so vague. Personally if I have to write or draw something with a vague prompt I will be very confused and also worried about my drawing being relevant to the prompt, and I think Melinda has the same problem. I have absolutely no idea what I would make given that prompt.

  8. In response to @Annmarie's level III:
    I totally agree with what he did. Mr.Neck reminds me of Donald Trump quite a bit. I sure as heck would have done the same thing, not doubt about it. As we all know I'm not afraid to speak up.(lol) In the end, Americans are immigrants too. We came here, killed off 90% of the native population, took control of the other 10% and caused distress and blood shed to other parts of the world. So all in all I think coming to America for an equal opportunity is nothing compared to what America has done.

  9. Level 2 - Infer why you think that "Brave Kid", David Petrakis stood up to Mr. Neck. Melinda makes the comment "I make a note to study David Patrakis." (Anderson 57). Do you think David inspired or had a direct effect on Melinda?
    Level 3 - Imagine that you are Melinda and your family tired to be together and traditional on Thanksgiving. However the turkey failed so they got pizza and Melinda's mom ended up going to work. How would this kind of relationship effect you personally?

    Response - @Annmaire level 2 - I think Melinda started to cry when her parents gave her a sketchpad and charcoal pencils because when they gave it to her they said "They say they have noticed me drawing." (Anderson 72) I think this has a big effect on Melinda because her family does not have the type of relationship to notice small details in each others life like that. I also think Melinda is used to being practically ignored by her parents so the facts that they noticed her drawing was a big deal for her. I made her realize they actually care about her. When she realized they cared it made her so joyful she wanted to tell them everything.

    -Ashlyn Riley

    1. @Ashlyn Level 2:
      From what I gathered he was Hispanic. Personally I think Melinda admired him because he was standing up for himself and somehting he cared deeply about. So I think she wanted to figure out how to do that for herself.

  10. Can I respond to my own question?

  11. Level 2: Infer why David Petrakis decided to challenge Mr. Neck on page 56.

    Level 3: Imagine that you are Heather. Would you notice something wrong with your friend or would you just thing she was a gloomy person to hang around? Could you be friends with someone like Melinda.

  12. Hey guys!! So sorry I posted my questions on the wrong post and waited!! I did post them around 6, though. Here they are again.

    Level 2: Why do you think Heather didn't get an "invitation" to sit with the Marthas at the assembly? How do you think she felt about that? How would you feel about it?
    Level 3: When Melinda made the bone art, Mr. Freeman described what he felt when he saw it. Melinda wasn't able to. Infer what Melinda was thinking as she made it and what it means to her. What does it mean to you?
