Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Speak... pages 164- to the END!


  1. Level two question:Why, out of all people, did Melinda tell Rachel what happened at the party? She hid it from her friends, her counselors, and even her parents, but why Rachel?

    Level three question: Predict what would happen if it was you who opened the closet door, revealing that someone was attacked. What would your first thought be? What would be your reaction? How would your reaction differ if you knew the person who was attacked?

  2. Jenna @ Ben's Level 2:

    Melinda told Rachel because Rachel was dating her rapist. She knew Rachel could potentially be in danger and she didn't want the same thing that happened to her happen to Rachel. She knew the only chance she had of convincing Rachel to break up with him was by telling her what happened.

  3. Level 2: Explain why you think Melinda finally talks to someone about her rape. What motivates her to do so?

    Level 3: Predict what happens after the book. Does she try and prosecute? Is Andy Evans expelled? How would her parents, teachers, and old friends react?

  4. Level 2: Why didn't Melinda turn in Andy earlier, why did she decide to do it at the end of the year?

    Level 3: Why do you think Melinda is so negative? For example, when she made fun of students for being excited about the year books.

    Response to Jenna level 2: I think that rape is a very tough thing to come to terms with and especially at her age. She seems very mature but even the strongest people would be shaken by what she's gone through. I think that when she saw Rachel in danger of Andy, she maybe wanted to prevent her from experiencing what she had gone through; even if she was mean to her.

    -Hannah Blankenship

    1. In response to your level 3, Hannah:
      I think Melinda is so negative because she is encumbered with the harsh reality that she was raped. Fortunately, I don't personally know this for a fact, but I am sure that kind of experience does not let you forget it easily.

    2. @Hannah level 2:
      I think she didn't say anything until the end of the year because she was scared. She was worried about what people would think, she was worried about what he would do and she was worried about what would happen to her. I feel like she didnt want to say anything at all, like maybe she wanted it all to just go away, but when she saw someone in danger she realized that she would have to face her fears.

  5. Level 2: Why does Rachel/Rachelle think Melinda is a liar when she tells her Andy raped her? Do you think she would have replied differently if she wasn't dating him?
    Level 3: Put yourself in Melinda's shoes. You sneak out to a party, get a little drunk, and end up getting raped. Would you call the police, like Melinda? Why or why not? Would you tell your parents, unlike Melinda? Why or why not?

  6. Level 2: Why do you think Heather turned to Melinda first after things were not going so well with the Martha's? What makes Heather think that Melinda would understand the struggles she is going through?

    Level 3: Imagine if you were Melinda getting attacked for a second time by Andy Evans. Why might you stand up for yourself this time when you can barely stand to look at him in the hallways? What gives you this sudden boost of confidence to stand up for yourself?

    -aissa @reagan in response to your level 2 question........

    Rachel probably saw Melinda as jealous. Since they haven't been friends ever since the party, Rachel assumed that anything Melinda would say to her would be lies. Especially about someone that Rachel cared about. It looked to Rachel as if Melinda was trying to get her back. If Rachel was not dating Andy however, Rachel may have believed Melinda a little. Though she may believe it to be unlikely story, she may still want to help Melinda. Rachel may have doubts but she would stay away from Andy.

  7. Level 2: Interpret what Melinda meant when she said "A small, clean part of me waits to warm and burst through the surface. This is the seed I will care for."?

    Level 3: What do you think pushed Melinda to stand up to Heather? Do you think it was a good idea? What would you have done in her place?


    1. Response to your level 3: I think that what pushed Melinda to stand up to Heather was how hurt she was when Heather left her the first time and she didn't want to let it happen again. I think this was a good idea and I would have done the exact same thing.

  8. Level II: On page 172 why did Melinda try to analyze why Chairwoman got a hair cut?
    Level III: If you were in Melinda's situation would you have been as hesitant to tell someone about what happened? Why or why not?

  9. @Haley response to your level three question: I think that the reason Melinda finally stood up to Heather was because she was tired of everyone taking advantage of her. Just because Melinda is quiet and shy, people like to use her, just like when Heather thought that Melinda would help her decorate for the prom. I agree with Annmarie in that I would do what she did in that situation.
